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You're viewing Columns Cheat Codes

Game Name : Columns
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2006-11-09 22:26:06
Views : 24133

Columns Extra Magic Jewels
There is a way to trick the game into giving you a second magic jewel. To do this you must set up the screen in a certain way. Have one row of the normal jewels stacked up almost to the top of the playfield. There must be vertical space for only two of the three jewels in the next block to come on the screen. Watch the "Next Block" preview box. When you see that the magic jewel block is next, get ready to quickly move it on top of your prepared stack. After the magic jewel eliminates the 'touching' color jewels, all of the remaining jewels will drop down as will the one magic jewel that was off the screen. This magic jewel will drop down and eliminate another group of colored jewels.

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